XML Report Bursting file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi" type="bursting">
<!--                                                                    -->
<!-- Bursting file for the US and UK Printed purchase order templates.   -->
<!--  the template name is retrieved within the Oracle Report using plsql ametek_conc_req_bip_pkg -->
<!--  This would be much simpler if patch 9501440 was applied, which allows variables in the -->
<!--   xapi:template location field...but alas, such is not the case.   -->
<!--                                                                    -->
<!--  GHirs 2/22/2012 based on MCT Bursting by Pavan Chand.             -->
<!--                                                                    -->
<!-- The next line (globaldata) indicates were the data is coming from -->  
 <xapi:globalData location="stream">
 </xapi:globalData >
 <!--   Our first bursting request is on the g_headers node, there are no others  -->   
  <!--                -->
  <!--  *** Define delivery options (by "id") *** -->
  <!--                -->
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- Email US  - CC to Buyer  -->
     <!--                          -->
     <xapi:email server="ma-relay4.ametek.com" port="25"  from="PSIDPurchasing@ametek.com" reply-to ="noreply@ametek.com">
       <xapi:message id="emailUS"  to="${EMAIL_ADDRESS1}"  cc="${C_EMAIL_ADDRESS}"      
       attachment="true" content-type="html/text"
     subject="Purchase Order ${POH_PO_NUM}">
       Please see attached Ametek Purchase Order ${POH_PO_NUM}
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- Email a4  - CC to Buyer  -->
     <!--                          -->
     <xapi:email server="ma-relay4.ametek.com" port="25"  from="PSIDPurchasing@ametek.com" reply-to ="noreply@ametek.com">
       <xapi:message id="emailGB"  to="${EMAIL_ADDRESS1}"  cc="${C_EMAIL_ADDRESS}"      
       attachment="true" content-type="html/text"
     subject="Purchase Order ${POH_PO_NUM}">
       Please see attached Ametek Purchase Order ${POH_PO_NUM}
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- FAX                      -->
     <!--                          -->
          <xapi:email server="" port="25"  from="psid_purchasing.erp@ametek.com" >
       <xapi:message id="fax"  to="${FAX_NUMBER1}@fax.ametek.com" cc="${C_EMAIL_ADDRESS}"
     attachment="true" content-type="html/text"
     subject="Purchase Order ${POH_PO_NUM}">
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- PRINT                    -->
     <!--                          -->
          <xapi:print id="print"  printer="ipp://${C_PRINTER}2" copies="${C_COPIES}"/>
    <!-- *** Define Documents to be produced *** -->
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- Email       EMAIL US Document -->
     <!--                          -->
     <xapi:document key="US-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="${POH_PO_NUM}.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="emailUS">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.US/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United States' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='E-MAIL'] ">
    <!--                          -->
    <!-- Email       EMAIL A4 Document -->
    <!--                          -->
    <xapi:document key="A4-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="${POH_PO_NUM}_A4.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="emailGB">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.GB/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United Kingdom' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='E-MAIL'] ">
      <!--                          -->
     <!-- fax US Document -->
     <!--                          -->
         <xapi:document key="FAX-US-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="fax_${POH_PO_NUM}.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="fax">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.US/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United States' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='FAX'] ">
     <!--                          -->
     <!-- FAX A4 Document -->
     <!--                          -->
         <xapi:document key="FAX-A4-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="fax_${POH_PO_NUM}_A4.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="fax">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.GB/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United Kingdom' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='FAX'] ">
    <!--                    -->
    <!-- Print US  Document -->
    <!--                    -->
    <xapi:document key="Print-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="P-${POH_PO_NUM}.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="print">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.US/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United States' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='PRINT'] ">
    <!--                    -->
    <!-- Print a4  Document -->
    <!--                    -->
    <xapi:document key="PrintA4-${POH_PO_NUM}" output="PA4-${POH_PO_NUM}.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="print">
      <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://CUSTOM.AMETEK_PRINT_PURCHASE_ORDER_BI.en.GB/?getSource=true" filter=".//G_HEADERS[POH_SHIP_COUNTRY='United Kingdom' and PO_DELIVERY_METHOD1='PRINT'] ">
  <!-- End of bursting request is on the g_headers node -->   


  1. Hi Ike,

    I have a scenario where the number of copies change for each customer and so do the email ids
    During the run of 3 customers where customerA has 2 copies to be printed and customerB has 1 copy to be printed and customer C has 1 copy to be printed. When I use the commom print conditions it sets the number of copies to 2 and for the subsequent customers also it sets to 2. I am usinga variable . I have commented the below tag so it shows up.

    The xml generated has CP_NUMBER_OF_COPIES reseting for every customer. Please suggest


Oracle Application Story

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